6: Summer course 2024



Throughout the time that we were staying in Lesvos there were certain encounters that marked my experience of the island. Many of my peers had encounters that were facilitated by the almost mythical figure of Argyris, ex-director of the local school and...

Cup of Topography as Carrier Bag Stories

In her 1989 article titled “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction,” Ursula K. Le Guin presents a feminist alternative to the prevailing heroic narrative that has long dominated fiction. Challenging the conventional tales of lone heroes engaged in violence and conquest,...

Exam information, Lesvos course

Exam information, Lesvos course

Here are the slides from the exam information meeting in Metochi:  Link to pdf of "What's next", Exam information etc. 09. August 2024 Video from demonstration in Lesvos: How to make a simple post on Encountersproject.com (not featuring Divi, just the basic WordPress...