Throughout the time that we were staying in Lesvos there were certain encounters that marked my experience of the island. Many of my peers had encounters that were facilitated by the almost mythical figure of Argyris, ex-director of the local school and...
6: Summer course 2024
Definitions of ‘belonging’ from stone imprints to singing towards “new forms of relations”: (Un)learning from the “inside Other”
Reflections on the ‘non-project’ of the Memory Group, Metochi Study Centre, Summer 2024 The ethnographer as an artist and/or the artist as an ethnographer,[1] engages in processes of observation, comparison and interpretation, discovering new methods of learning and...
Under a Olive Tree. Make Lesvos as a common space for younger and elderly people.
project of LesvosDownload
Cup of Topography as Carrier Bag Stories
In her 1989 article titled “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction,” Ursula K. Le Guin presents a feminist alternative to the prevailing heroic narrative that has long dominated fiction. Challenging the conventional tales of lone heroes engaged in violence and conquest,...
Encounters between Arts, Ethnography and Pedagogy: Project report
Sammendrag: Fra dette berikende emnet som varte i to uker vil jeg trekke frem to prosjekter som hadde spesielt innflytelse på meg og ga meg ideer til videre utforskning innen egen kunstnerisk praksis som hovedsakelig består av fotografi; og med dette, første...
Exam information, Lesvos course
Here are the slides from the exam information meeting in Metochi: Link to pdf of "What's next", Exam information etc. 09. August 2024 Video from demonstration in Lesvos: How to make a simple post on (not featuring Divi, just the basic WordPress...
Drop Box Folder
Slides and materials from presentations Lesvos
Here's a collection of the slides etc. that we have shared from the Lesvos presentations: Here's the link to A.Peleshian's short film, which Danai shared! Here's a link to Panos presentation slides and references (pdf):Link to pdf of "What's next", Exam...
Programme draft: Updated 8 August
For the record: These are the pages of the programme of week 1: Page 1, page 2
Practical information from Metochi
Link to pdf: information letter from Metochi Link to room plan (participants from encounters summer school)