An anthropological introduction to the island of Lesvos in historical and ethnographic perspective. Special issues in the ethnography of Lesvos. The transformation of Lesvos from a “peripheral” island of modern Greece to a “cosmopolitan” hotspot of Global South. Do...
6f: Assignments 2024
Module 2. Knowing: Through the lens of art
Joseph Beuys"How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare", 1965 Title: Knowing: Through the lens of art The concept: This module aims to explore methodology and the role of artistic research within higher education, focusing on how art contributes to knowledge and what...
Module 1: «Don’t make a project”
Hello students, welcome to the first out of three modules! It contains a simple but also complex task: To try to start a working process not by designing a project, but rather by engaging in an encounter. As simple and as difficult as that. And to share some...