This Erasmus plus strategic partnership delivers outputs in five areas, in addition to the events and activities that take place during the project period. These “Intellectual Outputs” will be made available here as tangible results are produced. The five areas are:
1: A curriculum that sets up the site of exploration for developing and testing the methodology
2: A methodology of “arts-based ethnographic student research as socially engaged practice”, the main outcome and focus of the collaboration
3: A digital platform to extend ways of collaboration and dissemination before, between and after periods of real-life encounters (i.e. ‘fieldwork’) in student research, and the overall project experiences as such
4: A series of experimental exhibitions or showcases of student works during the annual Athens international film festival, Ethnofest, held each November
(See some images here from the first event, november 2019)
5: A special journal issue as an open, online and multi-modal dissemination where students and instructors (artists, researchers, educators) share their reflections, experiences and work