Module Zero: Soundtracks of Life

by | May 28, 2022 | 5: Summer Course 2022, 5a Course Preparations | 4 comments

I am Evie and I introduce myself to the world as an anthropologist, a musician, a geek gamer and a pop culture enthusiast – whatever that means.

My whole life I’ve been chasing sounds and I’d always let them lead the way. I would walk a broken path at sunset, lie on the grass, feel the summer breeze, watch the leaves fall from the trees, listen to the winter rain as if I were in a cinematic universe, always having music in my ears and on my mind as if I were -as if I am- haunted by sounds and voices, forever bound to them.

I am really thrilled about this summer course in Lesvos and I can’t wait to experiment with all of you on artistic and ethnographic practices but also getting to know you – and having reaaaally long talks about music, life or whatever.

Soundtrack of life_#18_University of the Aegean


  1. Keyania Campbell

    Hey Evie,
    I’m a gamer-musician too! Playing anything? I just gave up on Fallout 4 haha.
    I like how you described sounds as haunting. It’s really cool. I think about heritage and the past a lot and even when I felt sort of tormented by it I never thought to use that word.

    • Evie Despotopoulou

      Well, “haunted” may sound a bit off. I don’t say this in a bad kind of way though.
      I wanted to emphasize that sound for me is ever-present, even in moments of silence(?).
      Looking forward to meeting you. I have many games to talk about! 🙂

  2. Eleni Gkrilla

    No words to describe how I feel with your video and music… I have a long story to tell you about this … thank you for your post

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