6a Course preparations 24

from 5.30 to 9.30

“With all the good intentions, excellent craftsmanship, and even with the reliability and eloquence of a particular story, representing Others is always going to be a complicated and contentious undertaking.”  — Madison, D. S. (2011). Critical ethnography: Method,...

Module 2

Module 2

Joseph Beuys"How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare", 1965 Title: Knowing: Through the lens of art The concept: This module aims to explore methodology and the role of artistic research within higher education, focusing on how art contributes to knowledge and what...

Module 1: «Don’t make a project”

Module 1: «Don’t make a project”

Hello students, welcome to the first out of three modules! It contains a simple but also complex task: To try to start a working process not by designing a project, but rather by engaging in an encounter. As simple and as difficult as that. And to share some...

How to make a post to the Encounters.eu site

How to make a post to the Encounters.eu site

A quick video overview of the guide below. Note: the video was created for the Summer Course of 2022, so some of the information might be outdated. The written tutorial below is up-to-date.1. Press the 'new post' button on the top right hand side2. Add a title to your...