See email with publication info and documents from Svetlana 13 may 2021: Interim Publication // PUBLISHING GUIDELINES + INFORMATIONDownload Attached in this email were the following forms: 1: Template for submissionsDownload 2:...
Documents & information
Team GB – Arts Cabinet
Encounters Arts Cabinet UK Participants are: Aisling Marks I've been asking my informants what they understand to be the relationship between learning and care. I'm yet to do the analysis, and I still have many more subjects to talk with. But so far, responses have...
Video: How to add and edit posts on
Please see video below! Password is encounters20. You can also study the guide in writing on this link. Update: How to change fonts in the post. Password: encounters20(In Norwegian for now, but basic message: Use a block called "Google...
Ethnofest 2020: link to films
Here's the link Pafsanias has sent all for watching the films to be discussed in the joint online session Friday 4. December. Please see email for password.
Introduction of residency from Encounters meeting 1 December 2020
This is a walk-through of timelines etc. in the residency phase of the Encounters project from our first joint meeting 1 December 2020. You may see the slides on this link, or the video below.
How to add posts on
Please see these attached instructions for creating posts. And try to make one! It can always be deleted or edited later.