by Tomine Eieland Dalene | Jun 13, 2022 | 5: Summer Course 2022, 5a Course Preparations
The point of this project was to see how I could make a motive with finger crochet balls on a veneer plate and focus on the color purple. I was determined to glue the yarn to the plate, but further into the crocheting I realized the beauty in each ball and how the...
by Maggi Asbjørnsen | Jun 9, 2022 | 5: Summer Course 2022, 5a Course Preparations
Soul Connection As you read this, please picture the most beautiful/interesting movements you can imagine. It makes the story better. Otherwise, I just seem like a crazy person. If you think that is more fun, feel free. Usually, in my dance practice, my starting...
by Eleni Gkrilla | Jun 9, 2022 | 5: Summer Course 2022, 5a Course Preparations, X_Uncategorised
As a teacher at high school, my everyday work is to use my imagination so as to make the topics that we discuss in class more interesting and comprehensible by the students. The work of a teacher is , as I use to say, a “full time job”, because nothing only begins or...