The exam's text and the digital represantation are interwined. Following you will find my text...
Vafeiadou Gesthimani-Artemis
Trying to remember.
The two weeks of summer school were very fruitful and intense for me. I would like to write a text...
Module three – What does Lesvos mean to the Greeks?
I came to Lesvos in 2016, one year after the beginning of the so-called “refugee crisis”. Until...
Module 2 – The familiar street
(In)visible Last year I wrote my thesis about the relation between people and space. Instead of...
Module one – My body knows when I’m home
Kojam: a café-bar near my house that feels like home (sometimes even more than my actual house)....
Module zero – supplies
After six years engaging with anthropology, my way of thinking has significantly changed and is...
The fragmented communication.
My project experiments with self-ethnographic approach. I draw upon the concept of remote/distant...
More fragments.
[fragments from video, 26-02-2020] The initial observation from which the project emerged was the...
I was planning to upload the power point I couldn’t show in my presentation but for some reason I...
The fragmented education experience.
Source: Google The concern In my recent experience with remote learning, issues began to arise...