
Supervision 1: Project development

Right now, I feel that a sharpening of my work for the exam could to present these pictures that I drew in Lesvos, and not necesseraly make anything new. I am considering ways of maybe mixing the paintings I made with the pictures I took, in a digital way. I'm...

Module 1, task 2

During my time in practice teaching, I did a research project where I wanted my class to do a gender swap of characters taken from the very popular Japanese based anime called Naruto. They were given four different characters that they could choose from swap the...

Module 1 _Task 1_represantations of home_wind and waves

Module 1 _Task 1_represantations of home_wind and waves

I chose to introduce you to “my home”, using sounds because this is something I rarely do. That is because, while sounds play a significant role in my life, I seldom speak about them. Nevertheless, sounds offer me a sense of security while I move through space and...

Module 1: Creative (Re)Presentations of Home

Module 1: Creative (Re)Presentations of Home

Time flies The wave softly touch the pier The wind blows my thoughts away The sun softly shines my face The cold concrete under my feet The smell of ocean The noisy flagpole The flowers slowly taking a last gasp The fighting flowers withered Time flies on a pier far...

Module 1: Speaking of Home

When I'm far from home, like I am right now, I have an accent. When I'm there I don't. It's the outsiders that "talk funny." My regional and ethnic style of communication is most comfortable to use and understand. Even when I'm not physically home I feel the...