The land I walk with: The Gravel Pit (Helene Illeris, 2020)The land I walk with: Jegersberg....
Tormod Wallem Anundsen
“Module zero” task / Getting started
This initial task is just to get started with ‘module zero’, which is saying hello to the others, and learning to make a post
Welcome to the summer course!
Dear students in the summer course Encounters between arts, ethnography and pedagogy. Welcome to...
Issue # 1 of Encounters editorial launched November 2021
On 23 November 2021, during the 12th Ethnofest in Athens, the Encounters project launched its...
Workshop invitation; “A walking proposition”
The Agder team of the project Encounters – Through art, ethnography and pedagogy is inviting to a...
Documents & publishing information from Arts Cabinet
See email with publication info and documents from Svetlana 13 may 2021: Interim Publication //...
Thematic note for Issue 1, Encounters publication
A: "We were all tired" (Or: things that can be read out of our work). How do you run an...
Understanding from the inside out
On 13 January 2021, in the year's first Agder team meeting, we set out on the voyage to to gain...
The Agder team
Video: How to add and edit posts on
Please see video below! Password is encounters20. You can also study the guide in writing on this...