Thank you for coming to this page from the Encounters issue 2 published on the Arts Cabinet website. You were asked to consider a few questions, and we are curious to read your answers and thoughts. The answer will be collected and published in the form of a...
ArtsCabinet (UK) team
Workshop Invitation: Moving bodies- visualising physical activities and reflecting roles around the camera
Finding the right angle: filming and posing from interesting angles.... This workshop scrutinises audiovisual methods and experimental outputs that engage with the moving bodies. We will think and experience physical movement actively to then reflect our position...
Workshop Proposal Ethnofest 2021: Moving bodies- visualising physical activities and reflecting roles around the camera
Henrike Filming a Taekwondo Workshop. Henrike filming a workshop, following the flow of the movement. How do you follow the movement?To what extent is it intrusive? How do you feel as a videographer?How would you feel being filmed? ... This workshop scrutinises...
One Pager: The Caring Cabinet
We have been working around the notion of care, mostly through discussing the two books Matters of Care and The Care Manifesto thinking through weaving and bodily movement. We have been contemplating how to bring in our individual research and practices into our work...
Weaving as caring
Thinking about these two quotes from Tim Ingold and Otti Berger. In this workshop we want to explore through the act of weaving the following considerations: “We should not thus think of the properties of materials as attributes. Rather, they are histories...
Team GB – Arts Cabinet
Encounters Arts Cabinet UK Participants are: Aisling Marks I've been asking my informants what they understand to be the relationship between learning and care. I'm yet to do the analysis, and I still have many more subjects to talk with. But so far, responses have...