This workshop scrutinises audiovisual methods and experimental outputs that engage with the moving bodies. We will think and experience physical movement actively to then reflect our position within a construction of research. The aim is to discuss bodily movement beyond the observed and focuses on the bodily experiences of all participants involved and to develop exercises in which the participants engage actively in camera operation and/or movement.
Rationale: Sports, martial arts and dance serve as platforms to analyse underlying intersections of various phenomena. Visual and sensory anthropology as well as research into physical activity experiment with techniques from observation to rendering the researcher’s body to be “at once the seat, the instrument and the target” (Wacquant 2004:16). After a brief introduction, describing the underlying ideas for the workshop that stem from discourses around sports and physical activity praising its potential to help the practitioner to cope, we will examine ideas of finding pleasure in muscular activity including its complex motions and emotions that the moving body produces (Paterson 2013), and the feelings prompted by the presence of a recording camera operator while being active. The workshop shall be a safe space to express impressions and develop ideas for how to engage in future audio-visual research with care.
We will address questions like:
- How do you follow the movement with a camera?
- How do you feel as a videographer?
- How would you feel being filmed?
- How do the observed participants feel when someone with a camera wiggles through the action?
- How is research undertaken that aims to translate haptic knowledge and embodiment produced through the sensory-motor activity?
- What experimental modes of audiovisual production evoke a deeper understanding of movement and related (e)motions?
- What can be learned from the different types of observation?
I estimate 2-3 hours for the workshop, to be delivered outside. Be prepared to move your body (maybe yoga, dance, jog…) and try to keep up following the movement with the camera whilst working in little teams. If you practice any sports, martial arts or dance, I would be delighted to know about it beforehand, so I can start thinking and develop activities (h.neuhaus@gold.ac.uk).
When: We will meet on Thursday 25th November, 10am until 1pm
Where: We start off at in the entrance of Padio you Areos Park to then explore the park and settle in the former theatre.
What to bring: a camera if you have, feel free to bring it along (also a smart-phone could suffice).
Please bring a face covering, something to take notes, a yoga mat/cushion, if you like
Feel free to bring along a thermos with a hot drink and clothes appropriate for the weather. We will aim to move around the park but also have moments when we sit down and relax and chat.
Activities: 1) Some fun icebreaker exercise(s) to get to know the group and give some background information. 2)We will form smaller groups – at least one that moves and one that operates a camera, maybe one that observes (depends on how many people will be there. 3) each group decides on a plan of action adapt tailoring ideas to the needs/research interests of the group and 4) ACTION to then come together and 5) have a moment to reflect on the experience addressing the questions above.
Use of the Material/Aftermath: We invite all participants to share the videos you created during the workshop per mail and reflections as a comment to this blogpost. The videos and images that you shared, will then be edited and amended on the website encountersproject.eu.
I seek permission to use and produce future publications tackling the Encounters project themes of ethnography, art and pedagogy.
Please sign up for the workshop by sending an e-mail stating your name and whether you wish to remain anonymous or accredited in future outputs. You will be contacted to see a draft before publication and you may revoke your consent and suggest changes:
Henrike Neuhaus: h.neuhaus@gold.ac.uk
Ethnofest organiser Pafsanias Karathanasis: karathanasis@ethnofest.gr
Henrike is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Visual Anthropology, Goldsmiths University of London. She was a resident in the Encounters project affiliated through Arts Cabinet. This is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership (EU-funded educational project). Ethnofest – Athens international film festival is hosting this event, and is another partner of the project.
Further reading: Moving thoughts (Henrike Neuhaus)
The Neckpain is Collective (Electra Karatza)
CommuINty (Iona Minsika)
Listen to Remember your Body Podcast
and Anthropod
A list of useful further resources that link movement and ethnography