Greece team

Care-First Square

Care-First Square Αt the edge of Pedio tou Areos, the largest park in the centre of Athens, you can find Protomagias (May first) square. Protomagias square was constructed during the 1980s as part of a master plan aimed at transforming the...

More fragments.

More fragments.

[fragments from video, 26-02-2020] The initial observation from which the project emerged was the new role that voice gained in the context of remote learning where. Due to the cameras usually being off, the voice had to fully represent the person's presence. Based on...

a conscious decision to pause and reflect-

a conscious decision to pause and reflect-

We watch ourselves taking notes in zoom videos. Our research is focused on the effects the pandemic has on film festivals in Greece and their online editions. Together with Konstantinos, we decided to reflect upon organizational and program-related aspects of film...

commuINty III

commuINty III

"I really want to participate in your research, really, I just don't know what to say ... nothing comes out." My research started when in our Encounters group, we put the word ‘community’ next to the word ‘encounters’. 10 artists, about 10 months away from art, and...



I was planning to upload the power point I couldn’t show in my presentation but for some reason I think that these diagrams bring us a bit closer just because they are handwritten. (let me know if you feel the same) So I start recording myself during video calls and...